Phantasmagoria (audio drama)

Phantasmagoria is a Big Finish Productions audio drama based on the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who. The story was written by Mark Gatiss and stars Peter Davison and Mark Strickson. It was recorded between 26–27 June 1999. Phantasmagoria was considered a more "assured and confident" production than director, Nicholas Briggs', previous works. Gatiss' acting, who plays Jasper Jeake, was considered especially good in the audio play.

Phantasmagoria (audio drama)

Phantasmagoria is a Big Finish Productions audio drama based on the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who. The story was written by Mark Gatiss and stars Peter Davison and Mark Strickson. It was recorded between 26–27 June 1999. Phantasmagoria was considered a more "assured and confident" production than director, Nicholas Briggs', previous works. Gatiss' acting, who plays Jasper Jeake, was considered especially good in the audio play.