Pictura: An Adventure in Art

Pictura: An Adventure in Art (1951) is a documentary film directed by seven directors, and narrated by several famous Hollywood actors, including Vincent Price, Gregory Peck, Henry Fonda, Martin Gabel, and Lilli Palmer. The film attempts to give the general filmgoing public a taste of art history and art appreciation. The film won a Special Award at the Golden Globes in 1952.

Pictura: An Adventure in Art

Pictura: An Adventure in Art (1951) is a documentary film directed by seven directors, and narrated by several famous Hollywood actors, including Vincent Price, Gregory Peck, Henry Fonda, Martin Gabel, and Lilli Palmer. The film attempts to give the general filmgoing public a taste of art history and art appreciation. The film won a Special Award at the Golden Globes in 1952.