Polyvalente Nicolas-Gatineau

Polyvalente Nicolas-Gatineau is public secondary school located in Gatineau, Quebec. The school is located at the corner of Boulevards Labrosse and La Vérendrye in the city's east end. It is run by the Commission Scolaire des Draveurs school board in Gatineau. The Nicolas-Gatineau school is the largest in the city of Gatineau, enrolling about 3000 students every year from Secondary 1 to 5, and the second largest in Quebec.

Polyvalente Nicolas-Gatineau

Polyvalente Nicolas-Gatineau is public secondary school located in Gatineau, Quebec. The school is located at the corner of Boulevards Labrosse and La Vérendrye in the city's east end. It is run by the Commission Scolaire des Draveurs school board in Gatineau. The Nicolas-Gatineau school is the largest in the city of Gatineau, enrolling about 3000 students every year from Secondary 1 to 5, and the second largest in Quebec.