President Gerald R. Ford Jr. Boyhood Home

The President Gerald R. Ford Jr. Boyhood Home is a house in Grand Rapids, Michigan that is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. It is located at 649 Union SE in Grand Rapids. Gerald R. Ford, the thirty-eighth president of the United States lived here from the age of 8 to 17 (1921 – 1930). Of all his boyhood homes, Ford remembered this one most vividly in his autobiography. Ford recalled that he and his friends used the garage behind the house as a social club. "We learned to play penny-ante poker... it was a great hideaway because my parents wouldn't climb the ladder to the second floor-- or so I thought." Ford served Grand Rapids in the U.S. House of Representatives, 1949 – 1973.

President Gerald R. Ford Jr. Boyhood Home

The President Gerald R. Ford Jr. Boyhood Home is a house in Grand Rapids, Michigan that is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. It is located at 649 Union SE in Grand Rapids. Gerald R. Ford, the thirty-eighth president of the United States lived here from the age of 8 to 17 (1921 – 1930). Of all his boyhood homes, Ford remembered this one most vividly in his autobiography. Ford recalled that he and his friends used the garage behind the house as a social club. "We learned to play penny-ante poker... it was a great hideaway because my parents wouldn't climb the ladder to the second floor-- or so I thought." Ford served Grand Rapids in the U.S. House of Representatives, 1949 – 1973.