Press subsidy in Luxembourg

A press subsidy (Luxembourgish: Staatlech Pressehëllef) is given by the government to newspapers in Luxembourg under the Law of 13 August 1998 on the Promotion of the Printed Press. They are awarded automatically to all general-interest newspapers appearing at least once a week that have full-time staffs of at least five journalists and of which advertisements constitute less than 50% of the newspaper. In addition, newspapers received indirect subsidy by a preferential postal rate, a ceiling on television and radio advertising, and a reduced value added tax rate of 3%.

Press subsidy in Luxembourg

A press subsidy (Luxembourgish: Staatlech Pressehëllef) is given by the government to newspapers in Luxembourg under the Law of 13 August 1998 on the Promotion of the Printed Press. They are awarded automatically to all general-interest newspapers appearing at least once a week that have full-time staffs of at least five journalists and of which advertisements constitute less than 50% of the newspaper. In addition, newspapers received indirect subsidy by a preferential postal rate, a ceiling on television and radio advertising, and a reduced value added tax rate of 3%.