
Prodnalog (Russian: Продналог, from продовольственный налог, Prodovolstvenniy nalog; literally "food tax") is the Russian word for a tax on food production, paid in kind in Soviet Russia, and sometimes known as "the Tax in Kind". Prodnalog, which replaced prodrazvyorstka, was introduced by a Decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee on March 21, 1921 and was abolished in 1924.


Prodnalog (Russian: Продналог, from продовольственный налог, Prodovolstvenniy nalog; literally "food tax") is the Russian word for a tax on food production, paid in kind in Soviet Russia, and sometimes known as "the Tax in Kind". Prodnalog, which replaced prodrazvyorstka, was introduced by a Decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee on March 21, 1921 and was abolished in 1924.