Profili Profili

Profili Profili (Serbian Cyrillic: Профили Профили, trans: Profiles Profiles) was a Serbian and former Yugoslav new wave/experimental music duo from Belgrade, notable as the participant of the Artistička radna akcija project in 1981. During the same year the band members formed another band Kazimirov Kazneni Korpus (Serbian Cyrillic: Казимиров Казнени Корпус, trans: Casimir's Castigation Corpus) and both bands appeared on their split album which is the first album in Yugoslavia to be released under an independent record label.

Profili Profili

Profili Profili (Serbian Cyrillic: Профили Профили, trans: Profiles Profiles) was a Serbian and former Yugoslav new wave/experimental music duo from Belgrade, notable as the participant of the Artistička radna akcija project in 1981. During the same year the band members formed another band Kazimirov Kazneni Korpus (Serbian Cyrillic: Казимиров Казнени Корпус, trans: Casimir's Castigation Corpus) and both bands appeared on their split album which is the first album in Yugoslavia to be released under an independent record label.