Protect the Coven

"Protect the Coven" is the eleventh episode of the third season of the anthology television series American Horror Story, which premiered on January 15, 2014, on the cable network FX. The episode was written by Jennifer Salt and directed by Bradley Buecker. In this episode, Fiona (Jessica Lange and Marie Laveau (Angela Bassett) face off with The Corporation while Cordelia (Sarah Paulson) makes a desperate sacrifice to protect the coven. Angela Bassett, Gabourey Sidibe and Danny Huston guest star as Marie Laveau, Queenie and The Axeman. This episode is rated TV-MA (LV).

Protect the Coven

"Protect the Coven" is the eleventh episode of the third season of the anthology television series American Horror Story, which premiered on January 15, 2014, on the cable network FX. The episode was written by Jennifer Salt and directed by Bradley Buecker. In this episode, Fiona (Jessica Lange and Marie Laveau (Angela Bassett) face off with The Corporation while Cordelia (Sarah Paulson) makes a desperate sacrifice to protect the coven. Angela Bassett, Gabourey Sidibe and Danny Huston guest star as Marie Laveau, Queenie and The Axeman. This episode is rated TV-MA (LV).