Pull Shapes

"Pull Shapes" is a single from The Pipettes and was released on 3 July 2006. It is available on CD, double 7" vinyl, and digital download from Memphis Industries. The video for "Pull Shapes" is a reference to a scene from Beyond the Valley of the Dolls in which a character sings "Sweet Talking Candyman". The song was also featured in The L Word, Season 5 Episode 6 ("Lights! Camera! Action!") when Jenny and Adele go shopping. The expression "pull shapes" is a British (en-UK) colloquialism that refers to the act of dancing.

Pull Shapes

"Pull Shapes" is a single from The Pipettes and was released on 3 July 2006. It is available on CD, double 7" vinyl, and digital download from Memphis Industries. The video for "Pull Shapes" is a reference to a scene from Beyond the Valley of the Dolls in which a character sings "Sweet Talking Candyman". The song was also featured in The L Word, Season 5 Episode 6 ("Lights! Camera! Action!") when Jenny and Adele go shopping. The expression "pull shapes" is a British (en-UK) colloquialism that refers to the act of dancing.