Qibla (group)

Qibla is a Shi'a and Sunni Muslim organisation in South Africa founded in the 1980s. The group is known for its fight against apartheid in the 80's and 90's, as well as for its continuing struggle for social, economic and political justice for all South Africans. Qibla is one of the most well-established Muslim organizations in South Africa. Formed in 1980 by Imam Ahmed Kassim to lend a voice to Muslims who were disillusioned by the tendency of the then traditional leadership to "steer away from politics". Qibla's doctrine is drawn from the Quran and other sources.

Qibla (group)

Qibla is a Shi'a and Sunni Muslim organisation in South Africa founded in the 1980s. The group is known for its fight against apartheid in the 80's and 90's, as well as for its continuing struggle for social, economic and political justice for all South Africans. Qibla is one of the most well-established Muslim organizations in South Africa. Formed in 1980 by Imam Ahmed Kassim to lend a voice to Muslims who were disillusioned by the tendency of the then traditional leadership to "steer away from politics". Qibla's doctrine is drawn from the Quran and other sources.