Quad antenna

A quad antenna is a type of directional wire radio antenna used on the HF and VHF bands. Like a Yagi-Uda antenna ("Yagi"), a quad consists of a driven element and parasitic elements; however in a quad, each of these elements takes the form of a loop of wire, which may be square, round, or some other shape. It is used by radio amateurs on the HF and VHF amateur bands.

Quad antenna

A quad antenna is a type of directional wire radio antenna used on the HF and VHF bands. Like a Yagi-Uda antenna ("Yagi"), a quad consists of a driven element and parasitic elements; however in a quad, each of these elements takes the form of a loop of wire, which may be square, round, or some other shape. It is used by radio amateurs on the HF and VHF amateur bands.