RPI TV is a closed-circuit television student television station at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI). The club broadcasts content online and is funded by the Rensselaer Union. RPI TV also assists in the moderation of student content submitted to the Concerto digital signage system developed at RPI. RPI TV films and broadcasts a variety of campus events, including athletic events, student senate meetings, musical and cultural events, and the annual GM/PU candidate debates.


RPI TV is a closed-circuit television student television station at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI). The club broadcasts content online and is funded by the Rensselaer Union. RPI TV also assists in the moderation of student content submitted to the Concerto digital signage system developed at RPI. RPI TV films and broadcasts a variety of campus events, including athletic events, student senate meetings, musical and cultural events, and the annual GM/PU candidate debates.