RT America

RT America is a TV channel that is based in Washington, D.C. RT America is part of the RT network, which is a global multilingual television news network that is based in Moscow, Russia. RT is a non-profit organization funded by the Russian government; while claiming autonomy, RT has been criticized as being a propaganda outlet for the Russian government. RT America also has studios and bureaus in New York, Houston, Miami, and Los Angeles. The channel is the home and the production base of RT's U.S. based programs.

RT America

RT America is a TV channel that is based in Washington, D.C. RT America is part of the RT network, which is a global multilingual television news network that is based in Moscow, Russia. RT is a non-profit organization funded by the Russian government; while claiming autonomy, RT has been criticized as being a propaganda outlet for the Russian government. RT America also has studios and bureaus in New York, Houston, Miami, and Los Angeles. The channel is the home and the production base of RT's U.S. based programs.