
ReGenesis is a Canadian television series produced by The Movie Network and Movie Central in conjunction with Shaftesbury Films. The series, which ran for four seasons, revolves around the scientists of NorBAC ("North American Biotechnology Advisory Commission"), a fictional organization with a lab based in Toronto. The organization investigates problems of a scientific nature, such as bio-terrorism, mysterious diseases or radical changes in environment throughout Canada, the United States, and Mexico. NorBAC is headed by David Sandström (played by Peter Outerbridge), the chief scientist and molecular biologist. Through this character the show often addresses topical social, political and ethical issues related to the science at hand.


ReGenesis is a Canadian television series produced by The Movie Network and Movie Central in conjunction with Shaftesbury Films. The series, which ran for four seasons, revolves around the scientists of NorBAC ("North American Biotechnology Advisory Commission"), a fictional organization with a lab based in Toronto. The organization investigates problems of a scientific nature, such as bio-terrorism, mysterious diseases or radical changes in environment throughout Canada, the United States, and Mexico. NorBAC is headed by David Sandström (played by Peter Outerbridge), the chief scientist and molecular biologist. Through this character the show often addresses topical social, political and ethical issues related to the science at hand.