Rector of the University of Glasgow

The Lord Rector (more commonly known just as the Rector) of the University of Glasgow is one of the most senior posts within that institution, elected every three years by students. The theoretical role of the Rector is to represent students to the senior management of the University and raise issues which concern them. In order to achieve this, the Rector is the statutory chair of the Court, the governing body of the University. The current Rector is Edward Snowden, the former NSA contractor and whistleblower, the first American to serve in this capacity.

Rector of the University of Glasgow

The Lord Rector (more commonly known just as the Rector) of the University of Glasgow is one of the most senior posts within that institution, elected every three years by students. The theoretical role of the Rector is to represent students to the senior management of the University and raise issues which concern them. In order to achieve this, the Rector is the statutory chair of the Court, the governing body of the University. The current Rector is Edward Snowden, the former NSA contractor and whistleblower, the first American to serve in this capacity.