Reel to Real (Canadian TV series)

Reel to Real was a Canadian television series, which aired on the Rogers TV network of cable community channels, as well as nationally on Canada's Independent Film Channel. The series was hosted by a variety of Toronto-area film critics over the course of its run, including Christopher Heard, John Foote, Katrina Onstad, Richard Crouse and Geoff Pevere. Although a weekly series for most of the year, beginning in 1997 the show ran daily during the annual Toronto International Film Festival.

Reel to Real (Canadian TV series)

Reel to Real was a Canadian television series, which aired on the Rogers TV network of cable community channels, as well as nationally on Canada's Independent Film Channel. The series was hosted by a variety of Toronto-area film critics over the course of its run, including Christopher Heard, John Foote, Katrina Onstad, Richard Crouse and Geoff Pevere. Although a weekly series for most of the year, beginning in 1997 the show ran daily during the annual Toronto International Film Festival.