
A reflexmate is a chess problem in which white, moving first, must force black to deliver checkmate within a specified number of moves against his will - with the added condition that if either player can give checkmate, they must. If this condition applies only to Black, it is a semi-reflexmate. (Without this condition, the problem is just ordinary selfmate.) The problem to the right is a fairly recent example, successful in the World Chess Composing Tournament despite only a single phase of play present. It is by Štefan Sovík and is a reflexmate in two moves. * 1...Rxb1 2.Bd1 Rxd1#


A reflexmate is a chess problem in which white, moving first, must force black to deliver checkmate within a specified number of moves against his will - with the added condition that if either player can give checkmate, they must. If this condition applies only to Black, it is a semi-reflexmate. (Without this condition, the problem is just ordinary selfmate.) The problem to the right is a fairly recent example, successful in the World Chess Composing Tournament despite only a single phase of play present. It is by Štefan Sovík and is a reflexmate in two moves. * 1...Rxb1 2.Bd1 Rxd1#