Reges Tharsis

Reges Tharsis et insulae ("Kings of Tarshish and the islands") is a common Latin motet and antiphon title. It is the beginning of the Latin Vulgate translation of Psalm 72:10 according to common English numbering. The wording was used in European cathedrals as a responsory for The Feast of Epiphany, "The Day of the Three Kings," and with slightly altered text as an antiphon for Epiphany. Reges Tharsis et Insule munera offerent. Reges Arabum et Saba dona adducent.The kings of Tarshish and of the isles shall bring presents: the kings of Sheba and Seba shall offer gifts. KJV

Reges Tharsis

Reges Tharsis et insulae ("Kings of Tarshish and the islands") is a common Latin motet and antiphon title. It is the beginning of the Latin Vulgate translation of Psalm 72:10 according to common English numbering. The wording was used in European cathedrals as a responsory for The Feast of Epiphany, "The Day of the Three Kings," and with slightly altered text as an antiphon for Epiphany. Reges Tharsis et Insule munera offerent. Reges Arabum et Saba dona adducent.The kings of Tarshish and of the isles shall bring presents: the kings of Sheba and Seba shall offer gifts. KJV