Retrograde appendicectomy

When the appendix is retrocaecal and adherent or otherwise inaccessible, appendicectomy is done in a retrograde fashion. Firstly, the base is divided between artery forceps. The appendiceal vessels are then ligated, the stump ligated and invaginated, and gentle traction on the caecum will enable the surgeon to deliver the body of the appendix, which is then removed from base to tip.

Retrograde appendicectomy

When the appendix is retrocaecal and adherent or otherwise inaccessible, appendicectomy is done in a retrograde fashion. Firstly, the base is divided between artery forceps. The appendiceal vessels are then ligated, the stump ligated and invaginated, and gentle traction on the caecum will enable the surgeon to deliver the body of the appendix, which is then removed from base to tip.