Robert J. Weitlaner

Robert J. Weitlaner was born on April 28, 1883, in Steyr, Austria, the son of the civil engineer Julius Weitlaner and Therese Pillinger, a schoolteacher. He studied engineering at Leoben at the Montanistische Bergschule, from which he graduated in 1908 with the degree of metallurgical engineer. A year later he immigrated to the United States, where he practiced his profession with major American steel companies in Pittsburgh (1909-1910), Buffalo (1910-1913), Philadelphia (1913-1916), Baltimore (1916-1919) and Cleveland (1919-1922). Weitlaner passed in Mexico City on July 23, 1968. He was in his 86th year.

Robert J. Weitlaner

Robert J. Weitlaner was born on April 28, 1883, in Steyr, Austria, the son of the civil engineer Julius Weitlaner and Therese Pillinger, a schoolteacher. He studied engineering at Leoben at the Montanistische Bergschule, from which he graduated in 1908 with the degree of metallurgical engineer. A year later he immigrated to the United States, where he practiced his profession with major American steel companies in Pittsburgh (1909-1910), Buffalo (1910-1913), Philadelphia (1913-1916), Baltimore (1916-1919) and Cleveland (1919-1922). Weitlaner passed in Mexico City on July 23, 1968. He was in his 86th year.