Rolls-Royce MT30

The Rolls-Royce MT30 (Marine Turbine) is a marine gas turbine engine based on Rolls-Royce Trent 800 aero engine. The MT30 retains 80% commonality with the Trent 800, the engine for the Boeing 777. The maximum power rating is 40 MW and minimum efficient power 25MW. In 2012 the company repackaged the MT30 so that it would fit into smaller ships, and their first such order came from South Korea, for their FFX Incheon class frigates. Rolls Royce will offer the engine to the RN for the CODLOG system in their Type 26 frigates due to start construction in 2015.

Rolls-Royce MT30

The Rolls-Royce MT30 (Marine Turbine) is a marine gas turbine engine based on Rolls-Royce Trent 800 aero engine. The MT30 retains 80% commonality with the Trent 800, the engine for the Boeing 777. The maximum power rating is 40 MW and minimum efficient power 25MW. In 2012 the company repackaged the MT30 so that it would fit into smaller ships, and their first such order came from South Korea, for their FFX Incheon class frigates. Rolls Royce will offer the engine to the RN for the CODLOG system in their Type 26 frigates due to start construction in 2015.