Russian All National Popular State Movement

The Russian All National Popular State Movement (in Russian: Rossiyskoe Obschenatsional'noe Narodno Derzhavnoe Dvizheniye, abbreviated as RONDD, Cyrillic: Российское Общенациональное Народно Державное Движение, abbreviated as РОНДД) was a Russian political emigre organization based primarily in West Germany that sought to unite the participants of the Russian Liberation Army and the anti-communist Russian White émigrés.

Russian All National Popular State Movement

The Russian All National Popular State Movement (in Russian: Rossiyskoe Obschenatsional'noe Narodno Derzhavnoe Dvizheniye, abbreviated as RONDD, Cyrillic: Российское Общенациональное Народно Державное Движение, abbreviated as РОНДД) was a Russian political emigre organization based primarily in West Germany that sought to unite the participants of the Russian Liberation Army and the anti-communist Russian White émigrés.