Russian Intelligence Community

The Intelligence Community in Russia (Спецслужбы России) is a complex series of intelligence agencies operating under the supervision of the National Security Council of Russia (Совет Безопасности Российской Федерации). The governmental services responsible for gathering foreign intelligence are: * Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) – The Foreign Intelligence Service reports directly to the President of Russia * GRU – Main Intelligence Directorate of the Military of Russia. * 12th Chief Directorate – 12th Directorate of the Ministry of Defense, responsible for Nuclear Security

Russian Intelligence Community

The Intelligence Community in Russia (Спецслужбы России) is a complex series of intelligence agencies operating under the supervision of the National Security Council of Russia (Совет Безопасности Российской Федерации). The governmental services responsible for gathering foreign intelligence are: * Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) – The Foreign Intelligence Service reports directly to the President of Russia * GRU – Main Intelligence Directorate of the Military of Russia. * 12th Chief Directorate – 12th Directorate of the Ministry of Defense, responsible for Nuclear Security