Rutgers Scarlet Knights wrestling

The Rutgers Scarlet Knights wrestling team represents Rutgers University of New Brunswick, New Jersey. The squad is coached by Scott Goodale. Goodale is a graduate 1995 of Lock Haven University. He came to Rutgers from the high school ranks. Previously he coached Jackson Memorial High School in Jackson, New Jersey where he coached four state champions. Rutgers has had nine All-American wrestlers. David Winfrey is the university's only National Champion. He won the title in 1950 at 191 pounds. On July 1, 2014, all Rutgers sports programs joined the Big Ten Conference.

Rutgers Scarlet Knights wrestling

The Rutgers Scarlet Knights wrestling team represents Rutgers University of New Brunswick, New Jersey. The squad is coached by Scott Goodale. Goodale is a graduate 1995 of Lock Haven University. He came to Rutgers from the high school ranks. Previously he coached Jackson Memorial High School in Jackson, New Jersey where he coached four state champions. Rutgers has had nine All-American wrestlers. David Winfrey is the university's only National Champion. He won the title in 1950 at 191 pounds. On July 1, 2014, all Rutgers sports programs joined the Big Ten Conference.