Sabarmati Central Jail

Sabarmati Central Jail is the main prison in Ahmedabad in Gujarat. It was established in 1895. Mahatma Gandhi was imprisoned here for few days in 1922. Sanskrit Revival in Ahmedabad Central Prison, Gujarat, india : An Initiative Taken by Sri Prashant Gohil [DySP ( Prison), Gujarat Prisons & Member of Global Uniform Services Welfare Committee ] in 2015 by Organizing EASY SANSKRIT SPEAKING SEMINAR & Sanskrit Revival & Vedanta : The New Height of Indian Heritage in Indian Prisons at Prison Auditorium. Noted Participants like Recent Gujarat DGP Sri P P Pandey, IPS and Ex DIG Sri D G Vanzara, IPS under Consultancy of Sri Himanjay Paliwal, Organization Secretary , Sanskritbharati, Gujarat. Then Chief Minister and now Prime Minister Sri Narendra Modi Congratulates the Venture of Knowledge.

Sabarmati Central Jail

Sabarmati Central Jail is the main prison in Ahmedabad in Gujarat. It was established in 1895. Mahatma Gandhi was imprisoned here for few days in 1922. Sanskrit Revival in Ahmedabad Central Prison, Gujarat, india : An Initiative Taken by Sri Prashant Gohil [DySP ( Prison), Gujarat Prisons & Member of Global Uniform Services Welfare Committee ] in 2015 by Organizing EASY SANSKRIT SPEAKING SEMINAR & Sanskrit Revival & Vedanta : The New Height of Indian Heritage in Indian Prisons at Prison Auditorium. Noted Participants like Recent Gujarat DGP Sri P P Pandey, IPS and Ex DIG Sri D G Vanzara, IPS under Consultancy of Sri Himanjay Paliwal, Organization Secretary , Sanskritbharati, Gujarat. Then Chief Minister and now Prime Minister Sri Narendra Modi Congratulates the Venture of Knowledge.