Sacramento Youth Symphony

The Sacramento Youth Symphony (SYS) was founded in 1956 as a 55-member youth orchestra, associated with the Sacramento Symphony Association. The Sacramento Symphony has since ceased operations and the Sacramento Youth Symphony became incorporated as an independent, 501(c) 3 non-profit organization in 1991. The SYS has evolved from one orchestra to beginning, intermediate and advanced orchestras. In 2005, a flute choir was added, which was split in 2007 into intermediate and advanced ensembles. Clarinet ensembles were added in 2010. The 2010 season includes over 350 members in the organization.

Sacramento Youth Symphony

The Sacramento Youth Symphony (SYS) was founded in 1956 as a 55-member youth orchestra, associated with the Sacramento Symphony Association. The Sacramento Symphony has since ceased operations and the Sacramento Youth Symphony became incorporated as an independent, 501(c) 3 non-profit organization in 1991. The SYS has evolved from one orchestra to beginning, intermediate and advanced orchestras. In 2005, a flute choir was added, which was split in 2007 into intermediate and advanced ensembles. Clarinet ensembles were added in 2010. The 2010 season includes over 350 members in the organization.