Sangkulirang-Mangkalihat Karst

The Sangkulirang-Mangkalihat Karst is a karstique area in Kalimantan, as the indonésienne part of Bornéo Island is called. It is located in Kalimantan oriental Province and covers an area of 105,000 hectares. In May 2015, it has been nominated for inclusion in the UNESCO World Heritage Site list.

Sangkulirang-Mangkalihat Karst

The Sangkulirang-Mangkalihat Karst is a karstique area in Kalimantan, as the indonésienne part of Bornéo Island is called. It is located in Kalimantan oriental Province and covers an area of 105,000 hectares. In May 2015, it has been nominated for inclusion in the UNESCO World Heritage Site list.