Savage Messiah (2002 film)

Savage Messiah (French: Moïse, l’affaire Roch Thériault) is a Canadian thriller-drama film, released in 2002. The film dramatizes the real-life story of Roch "Moïse" Thériault, a cult leader who was arrested in Burnt River, Ontario, in 1989. The film stars Luc Picard as Thériault, and Polly Walker as Paula Jackson, the social worker whose investigation revealed Thériault's crimes. The film's cast also includes Isabelle Blais, Louis Ferreira, Pascale Montpetit, Isabelle Cyr, Robert Higden and Domini Blythe.

Savage Messiah (2002 film)

Savage Messiah (French: Moïse, l’affaire Roch Thériault) is a Canadian thriller-drama film, released in 2002. The film dramatizes the real-life story of Roch "Moïse" Thériault, a cult leader who was arrested in Burnt River, Ontario, in 1989. The film stars Luc Picard as Thériault, and Polly Walker as Paula Jackson, the social worker whose investigation revealed Thériault's crimes. The film's cast also includes Isabelle Blais, Louis Ferreira, Pascale Montpetit, Isabelle Cyr, Robert Higden and Domini Blythe.