Scarlet Heart 2

Scarlet Heart 2 is a sequel of the 2011 Chinese television series Scarlet Heart, continuing the story after the time traveling protagonist, Zhang Xiao (Cecilia Liu), returns to her own time following the death of Ma'ertai Ruoxi. The story is not considered to be canon to Tong Hua's novel Bu Bu Jing Xin because the author never wrote any sequels, although some of the cast members from the first series have returned. Unlike its predecessor, the series does not involve time traveling and will be set in the present, resolving the loose ends left by the cliffhanger. It began filming in Tianjin, China, on March 2013 and ended in Hong Kong on June 2013. The series premiered on April 22, 2014.

Scarlet Heart 2

Scarlet Heart 2 is a sequel of the 2011 Chinese television series Scarlet Heart, continuing the story after the time traveling protagonist, Zhang Xiao (Cecilia Liu), returns to her own time following the death of Ma'ertai Ruoxi. The story is not considered to be canon to Tong Hua's novel Bu Bu Jing Xin because the author never wrote any sequels, although some of the cast members from the first series have returned. Unlike its predecessor, the series does not involve time traveling and will be set in the present, resolving the loose ends left by the cliffhanger. It began filming in Tianjin, China, on March 2013 and ended in Hong Kong on June 2013. The series premiered on April 22, 2014.