Second Brazilian Republic

Second Brazilian Republic is the period of Brazilian history between 1946 and 1964 also known as the "Republic of 46". It was marked by political instability and military's pressure on civilian politicians which ended with the 1964 Brazilian coup d'état and establishment of Brazilian military government. This period was marked by often tumultuous Presidencies of Eurico Gaspar Dutra, Getúlio Vargas, Juscelino Kubitschek, Jânio Quadros and João Goulart.

Second Brazilian Republic

Second Brazilian Republic is the period of Brazilian history between 1946 and 1964 also known as the "Republic of 46". It was marked by political instability and military's pressure on civilian politicians which ended with the 1964 Brazilian coup d'état and establishment of Brazilian military government. This period was marked by often tumultuous Presidencies of Eurico Gaspar Dutra, Getúlio Vargas, Juscelino Kubitschek, Jânio Quadros and João Goulart.