September in the Rain (film)

September in the Rain is an American one-reel animated cartoon short subject in the Merrie Melodies series, produced in Technicolor and released to theaters on December 18, 1937 by Warner Bros. and Vitaphone. It was produced by Leon Schlesinger and directed by I. Freleng, with musical supervision by Carl W. Stalling. Re-released under the "Blue Ribbon" label, September in the Rain was shorn of its original title card containing all the credited names, however, the recovered card, along with those for other "Blue Ribbon" reissues, is available for viewing.

September in the Rain (film)

September in the Rain is an American one-reel animated cartoon short subject in the Merrie Melodies series, produced in Technicolor and released to theaters on December 18, 1937 by Warner Bros. and Vitaphone. It was produced by Leon Schlesinger and directed by I. Freleng, with musical supervision by Carl W. Stalling. Re-released under the "Blue Ribbon" label, September in the Rain was shorn of its original title card containing all the credited names, however, the recovered card, along with those for other "Blue Ribbon" reissues, is available for viewing.