
Sinistrisme is a neologism invented by Albert Thibaudet in Les idées politiques de la France (1932). He referred to the progressive substitution of left wing parties by new, more radical parties, which in turn pushed each party towards the center (the Radical Party being replaced by the French Section of the Workers' International (SFIO, a socialist party), the Socialists by the French Communist Party, etc.). This historical movement (seen by Thibaudet as a historical necessity) thus explained, according to Thibaudet, the tendency of the right-wing, in particular in France, to disavow the label droite (right), long associated in French history with monarchism, in favour of left.


Sinistrisme is a neologism invented by Albert Thibaudet in Les idées politiques de la France (1932). He referred to the progressive substitution of left wing parties by new, more radical parties, which in turn pushed each party towards the center (the Radical Party being replaced by the French Section of the Workers' International (SFIO, a socialist party), the Socialists by the French Communist Party, etc.). This historical movement (seen by Thibaudet as a historical necessity) thus explained, according to Thibaudet, the tendency of the right-wing, in particular in France, to disavow the label droite (right), long associated in French history with monarchism, in favour of left.