Society for Creative Anachronism activities

A basic requirement of a Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) event is that everyone wear clothing similar to that worn before 1601 AD. Within the SCA, the term for this type of period clothing is "garb", and there can be a very wide range in the time period, style and level of authenticity. Members often have "field" garb, simple cotton tunics or gowns that they wear to camping or other outdoor events, and "court" garb made of expensive brocades and silks that are reserved for formal events. Many SCA members make their own clothing, but can also purchase their garb from merchants or barter with other SCA members. Newcomers to the SCA can usually borrow garb for their first event or two by contacting the local group's Gold Key officer or Chatelaine/Castellan, who is responsible for helpi

Society for Creative Anachronism activities

A basic requirement of a Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) event is that everyone wear clothing similar to that worn before 1601 AD. Within the SCA, the term for this type of period clothing is "garb", and there can be a very wide range in the time period, style and level of authenticity. Members often have "field" garb, simple cotton tunics or gowns that they wear to camping or other outdoor events, and "court" garb made of expensive brocades and silks that are reserved for formal events. Many SCA members make their own clothing, but can also purchase their garb from merchants or barter with other SCA members. Newcomers to the SCA can usually borrow garb for their first event or two by contacting the local group's Gold Key officer or Chatelaine/Castellan, who is responsible for helpi