Space Battleship Yamato (fictional spacecraft)

Space Battleship Yamato was the title spaceship from the anime series Space Battleship Yamato, designed by Leiji Matsumoto in the 1970s. According to the fictional continuity of the anime series, the spacecraft was built inside the remains of the Japanese battleship Yamato. In the American dub of the series Star Blazers, the spaceship has the same origin, but was renamed the Argo (after the mythical ship Argo of Jason and the Argonauts). In Spanish-speaking countries, its name was changed to Intrépido ("Intrepid").

Space Battleship Yamato (fictional spacecraft)

Space Battleship Yamato was the title spaceship from the anime series Space Battleship Yamato, designed by Leiji Matsumoto in the 1970s. According to the fictional continuity of the anime series, the spacecraft was built inside the remains of the Japanese battleship Yamato. In the American dub of the series Star Blazers, the spaceship has the same origin, but was renamed the Argo (after the mythical ship Argo of Jason and the Argonauts). In Spanish-speaking countries, its name was changed to Intrépido ("Intrepid").