
Speedcore is a form of hardcore that is characterized by a high tempo and aggressive themes. The name originates from the genre hardcore, and refers to the high tempo found in this genre, which rarely drops below 300 beats per minute (bpm). Earlier speedcore tracks often averaged at about 250 bpm, which could be defined as Terror(core), whereas more recent tracks sometimes exceed 1000 bpm. Songs with tempos above 700 bpm are often classified as splittercore.Highly atmospheric and fast Speedcore is called Flashcore When a song reaches 1000 bpm, the music is known as extratone. However, when beats are in the range of 1000-1500 bpm the individual beats become indistinguishable, and turn into continuous tones.


Speedcore is a form of hardcore that is characterized by a high tempo and aggressive themes. The name originates from the genre hardcore, and refers to the high tempo found in this genre, which rarely drops below 300 beats per minute (bpm). Earlier speedcore tracks often averaged at about 250 bpm, which could be defined as Terror(core), whereas more recent tracks sometimes exceed 1000 bpm. Songs with tempos above 700 bpm are often classified as splittercore.Highly atmospheric and fast Speedcore is called Flashcore When a song reaches 1000 bpm, the music is known as extratone. However, when beats are in the range of 1000-1500 bpm the individual beats become indistinguishable, and turn into continuous tones.