Spy basket

The Spy gondola, Spy basket, Observation car or sub-cloud car (German: Spähgondel or Spähkorb) was a byproduct of Peilgondel development (a gondola to weight an airship's radio-locating antenna). They were used almost entirely by the Germans in the First World War on their military airships. The spy basket could be lowered from above through the cloud deck several hundred metres, in order to inconspicuously observe the ground and to help navigate the airship.

Spy basket

The Spy gondola, Spy basket, Observation car or sub-cloud car (German: Spähgondel or Spähkorb) was a byproduct of Peilgondel development (a gondola to weight an airship's radio-locating antenna). They were used almost entirely by the Germans in the First World War on their military airships. The spy basket could be lowered from above through the cloud deck several hundred metres, in order to inconspicuously observe the ground and to help navigate the airship.