
Starstrider was a children's quiz show that was produced by Granada Television and aired on ITV in 1984 and 1985 and ran for 2 series. The host, Starstrider, a space being from the planet Ulphrates III on the search for intelligence, was played in Series 1 by Roger Sloman and in Series 2 by Jim Carter. Future Doctor Who actor Sylvester McCoy co-hosted both series, playing Starstrider's hapless assistant Wart. Both the host and co-host would greet the teams each week with the words, "Hello and welcome" and similarly they would end the show saying, "Goodbye and farewell".


Starstrider was a children's quiz show that was produced by Granada Television and aired on ITV in 1984 and 1985 and ran for 2 series. The host, Starstrider, a space being from the planet Ulphrates III on the search for intelligence, was played in Series 1 by Roger Sloman and in Series 2 by Jim Carter. Future Doctor Who actor Sylvester McCoy co-hosted both series, playing Starstrider's hapless assistant Wart. Both the host and co-host would greet the teams each week with the words, "Hello and welcome" and similarly they would end the show saying, "Goodbye and farewell".