Strange Case

"Strange Case" is the fourth episode of the sixth season of the American fantasy drama series Once Upon a Time, which aired on October 16, 2016. In this episode, the origins of Jekyll and Hyde with its ties to Rumplestiltskin are revealed, as Gold seeks vengeance to stop Hyde from threatening Belle, while Snow welcomes a new assistant who came from the Land of Untold Stories, who has a agenda of her own to deal with.

Strange Case

"Strange Case" is the fourth episode of the sixth season of the American fantasy drama series Once Upon a Time, which aired on October 16, 2016. In this episode, the origins of Jekyll and Hyde with its ties to Rumplestiltskin are revealed, as Gold seeks vengeance to stop Hyde from threatening Belle, while Snow welcomes a new assistant who came from the Land of Untold Stories, who has a agenda of her own to deal with.