Sultanate of Harar

The Sultanate of Harar succeeded the Sultanate of Adal and was founded by Amīr Nūr to carry on the struggle of Imām Aḥmed Gurēy. It was plagued with dynastic infighting between the relatives of Imām Aḥmed Gurēy and the family of ʿIsmān AlḤabashi, Amīr Nūr's chosen successor. Due to the encroaching Oromo people invading from the south, the Sultanate of Harar was ultimately a short lived state, lasting only 18 years (though if you start from the reign of Imām Aḥmed Gurēy, a more respectable 51 years). The capital was moved east to the oasis of Awsa by Imām Maḥamed "Jāsa" Ibrahim who founded the Imamate of Awsa.

Sultanate of Harar

The Sultanate of Harar succeeded the Sultanate of Adal and was founded by Amīr Nūr to carry on the struggle of Imām Aḥmed Gurēy. It was plagued with dynastic infighting between the relatives of Imām Aḥmed Gurēy and the family of ʿIsmān AlḤabashi, Amīr Nūr's chosen successor. Due to the encroaching Oromo people invading from the south, the Sultanate of Harar was ultimately a short lived state, lasting only 18 years (though if you start from the reign of Imām Aḥmed Gurēy, a more respectable 51 years). The capital was moved east to the oasis of Awsa by Imām Maḥamed "Jāsa" Ibrahim who founded the Imamate of Awsa.