Summer Rush

Summer Rush is a concert that happens yearly in Halifax, Nova Scotia and Toronto, Ontario hosted by Z103.5 Evanov Radio Group. Summerush has been a long time tradition in Toronto's Canada's July 2007, Summerush added other summer annual concert concept in Halifax NS. July 9, 2013, Concert announcements has been made for Friday August 30/2013, Energy Rush 106.5 in Winnipeg Manitoba at the MTS Centre. On Saturday August 31, 2013. Energy 103.5 Rush, will be at Alderley Landing Dartmouth NS. Looking over beautiful Halifax Harbour. and the city skyline. And to the end the weekend, in Toronto's Canada's Wonderland on August 30, 2013. August 2013, The Concert shows were cancelled Because the main performer Chris Brown wasn't allowed in Canada. due to domestic assault violence charge

Summer Rush

Summer Rush is a concert that happens yearly in Halifax, Nova Scotia and Toronto, Ontario hosted by Z103.5 Evanov Radio Group. Summerush has been a long time tradition in Toronto's Canada's July 2007, Summerush added other summer annual concert concept in Halifax NS. July 9, 2013, Concert announcements has been made for Friday August 30/2013, Energy Rush 106.5 in Winnipeg Manitoba at the MTS Centre. On Saturday August 31, 2013. Energy 103.5 Rush, will be at Alderley Landing Dartmouth NS. Looking over beautiful Halifax Harbour. and the city skyline. And to the end the weekend, in Toronto's Canada's Wonderland on August 30, 2013. August 2013, The Concert shows were cancelled Because the main performer Chris Brown wasn't allowed in Canada. due to domestic assault violence charge