Sup kambing

Sup Kambing or Sop Kambing is a mutton soup commonly found in Malaysian and Indonesian cuisine. It is prepared with goat meat, tomato, celery, spring onion, ginger, candlenut and lime leaf, its broth is yellowish in color. In Malaysia, sup kambing is associated with Muslim Malaysian Indian community and believed to be of Indian origin. In Singapore, the dish is also associated with Muslim Indian community in the island.

Sup kambing

Sup Kambing or Sop Kambing is a mutton soup commonly found in Malaysian and Indonesian cuisine. It is prepared with goat meat, tomato, celery, spring onion, ginger, candlenut and lime leaf, its broth is yellowish in color. In Malaysia, sup kambing is associated with Muslim Malaysian Indian community and believed to be of Indian origin. In Singapore, the dish is also associated with Muslim Indian community in the island.