
The Super-Sons were a pair of fictional characters in an alternate version of the DC Comics universe. The characters were created by Bob Haney and Dick Dillin (based upon Superman by Jerry Siegel & Joe Shuster, and Batman by Bob Kane & Bill Finger). The duo first appeared in World's Finest Comics #215 (January 1973). They were based on imaginary tales about the sons of Superman and Batman with Superman's dark-haired wife and Batman's red-haired wife. Batman's imaginary son was seen first in Batman #131 (April 1960), Batman #145 (February 1962), and Batman #163 (May 1964). The Super-Sons first appeared together in World's Finest Comics Vol 1 #154 (December 1965). They later inspired the characters Joel Kent and Bruce Wayne Jr. in Superman & Batman: Generations I (January - March 1999).


The Super-Sons were a pair of fictional characters in an alternate version of the DC Comics universe. The characters were created by Bob Haney and Dick Dillin (based upon Superman by Jerry Siegel & Joe Shuster, and Batman by Bob Kane & Bill Finger). The duo first appeared in World's Finest Comics #215 (January 1973). They were based on imaginary tales about the sons of Superman and Batman with Superman's dark-haired wife and Batman's red-haired wife. Batman's imaginary son was seen first in Batman #131 (April 1960), Batman #145 (February 1962), and Batman #163 (May 1964). The Super-Sons first appeared together in World's Finest Comics Vol 1 #154 (December 1965). They later inspired the characters Joel Kent and Bruce Wayne Jr. in Superman & Batman: Generations I (January - March 1999).