Tamil television soap opera

Tamil television soap opera or Tamil serials (Tamil: தமிழ் மெகாதொடர்கள்) Soap operas are a popular genre of Tamil Language television. All major TV networks in India produce a variety of drama series including Family, comedy, romance, History stories, horror, Devotional stories and many others. A channel will air five to sixteen Soap operas simultaneously at any given time. Because they attract the most viewers, each channel competes for the most popular stars.

Tamil television soap opera

Tamil television soap opera or Tamil serials (Tamil: தமிழ் மெகாதொடர்கள்) Soap operas are a popular genre of Tamil Language television. All major TV networks in India produce a variety of drama series including Family, comedy, romance, History stories, horror, Devotional stories and many others. A channel will air five to sixteen Soap operas simultaneously at any given time. Because they attract the most viewers, each channel competes for the most popular stars.