Tax on trees

Tax on trees was a tax imposed in USSR in 1944 on fruit trees. The tax made it expensive to have trees on a farm, and had the unintended consequence of causing a mass felling of trees by Soviet farmers. This subsequently led to shortage of fruit. The idea proposed by the Minister Arseny Zverev, and Joseph Stalin failed to foresee the problems it would produce. The tax was repealed in 1954, by Georgy Malenkov, when taxes were reduced by 60 per cent for farmers.

Tax on trees

Tax on trees was a tax imposed in USSR in 1944 on fruit trees. The tax made it expensive to have trees on a farm, and had the unintended consequence of causing a mass felling of trees by Soviet farmers. This subsequently led to shortage of fruit. The idea proposed by the Minister Arseny Zverev, and Joseph Stalin failed to foresee the problems it would produce. The tax was repealed in 1954, by Georgy Malenkov, when taxes were reduced by 60 per cent for farmers.