Taxi for Two

Taxi for Two is a 1929 British romantic comedy film drama, directed by Denison Clift and Alexander Esway for Gainsborough Pictures and starring Mabel Poulton and John Stuart. It was the first full sound film made by Gainsborough, and also marked Poulton's first speaking role. The film revealed Poulton to have a strident voice with a strong Cockney accent, quite at odds with the fey, winsome persona she had cultivated in her silent film appearances. She would become a notable casualty of the advent of talkies, as offers of screen work quickly dried up once her unappealing tones were revealed.

Taxi for Two

Taxi for Two is a 1929 British romantic comedy film drama, directed by Denison Clift and Alexander Esway for Gainsborough Pictures and starring Mabel Poulton and John Stuart. It was the first full sound film made by Gainsborough, and also marked Poulton's first speaking role. The film revealed Poulton to have a strident voice with a strong Cockney accent, quite at odds with the fey, winsome persona she had cultivated in her silent film appearances. She would become a notable casualty of the advent of talkies, as offers of screen work quickly dried up once her unappealing tones were revealed.