Taylor & Hubbard

Taylor & Hubbard was an engineering company founded in Leicester, specialising in the production of railway cranes. They later moved to Kent Street, Humberstone Road, Leicester, in approximately 1900 which gave them access to the railway siding.The company was founded in the 19th century and up to the 1960s made steam cranes for railway companies in both the UK and around the world, mainly in the British Empire. By the 1960s they were making diesel-electric cranes for British Railways and hydraulic cranes for the Admiralty. Their cranes were used on oil tankers, and they sold dockside cranes for the Thames Conservancy.

Taylor & Hubbard

Taylor & Hubbard was an engineering company founded in Leicester, specialising in the production of railway cranes. They later moved to Kent Street, Humberstone Road, Leicester, in approximately 1900 which gave them access to the railway siding.The company was founded in the 19th century and up to the 1960s made steam cranes for railway companies in both the UK and around the world, mainly in the British Empire. By the 1960s they were making diesel-electric cranes for British Railways and hydraulic cranes for the Admiralty. Their cranes were used on oil tankers, and they sold dockside cranes for the Thames Conservancy.