Tech Buzz

Tech Buzz Game is a fantasy stock market simulation run by Yahoo! Research and O'Reilly Media. It is a dynamic pari-mutuel market, where almost 16,000 players predict what people will be searching the Internet for in the future. More specifically, what Tech Buzz Game Stocks people will be searching for using Yahoo! Search. You buy stock in technologies you believe will be popular, and do the opposite for stocks you predict will have the opposite result.

Tech Buzz

Tech Buzz Game is a fantasy stock market simulation run by Yahoo! Research and O'Reilly Media. It is a dynamic pari-mutuel market, where almost 16,000 players predict what people will be searching the Internet for in the future. More specifically, what Tech Buzz Game Stocks people will be searching for using Yahoo! Search. You buy stock in technologies you believe will be popular, and do the opposite for stocks you predict will have the opposite result.