The Fifth Patient

The Fifth Patient is a 2007 American thriller film written and directed by Amir Mann. The film stars Nick Chinlund as John Reilly, an American national who finds himself in an African hospital where, he learns, he has spent the last two years due to a head injury. He remembers nothing of his past and is accused of being a spy. The film also stars Marley Shelton as Helen, a woman Reilly believes might be his wife. The film was shot in the United States and Mexico. It was released on June 10, 2007 in the United States and October 23, 2008 in Israel.

The Fifth Patient

The Fifth Patient is a 2007 American thriller film written and directed by Amir Mann. The film stars Nick Chinlund as John Reilly, an American national who finds himself in an African hospital where, he learns, he has spent the last two years due to a head injury. He remembers nothing of his past and is accused of being a spy. The film also stars Marley Shelton as Helen, a woman Reilly believes might be his wife. The film was shot in the United States and Mexico. It was released on June 10, 2007 in the United States and October 23, 2008 in Israel.