The Mighty Echoes

The Mighty Echoes, an a cappella Doo Wop quartet from Los Angeles, CA., was formed backstage at the Olio Theater in Silverlake, California during the production of Harvey Shield’s 1986 musical "1284: The Pied Piper". The Mighty Echoes perform regularly in Southern California and sporadically around the world. The group focuses primarily on songs either from or reminiscent of the classic Doo Wop era.

The Mighty Echoes

The Mighty Echoes, an a cappella Doo Wop quartet from Los Angeles, CA., was formed backstage at the Olio Theater in Silverlake, California during the production of Harvey Shield’s 1986 musical "1284: The Pied Piper". The Mighty Echoes perform regularly in Southern California and sporadically around the world. The group focuses primarily on songs either from or reminiscent of the classic Doo Wop era.