The Prowler (1981 film)

The Prowler (released internationally as Rosemary's Killer) is a 1981 slasher horror film directed by Joseph Zito, written by Neal Barbera and Glenn Leopold, and starring Vicky Dawson, Farley Granger, Lawrence Tierney, and Christopher Goutman. Set in a small New Jersey town, the film concerns a group of college students holding a graduation spring dance, 35 years later after a double-murderer occurred once. Unbeknownst to them, they are targeted by a masked assailant donned in World War II G.I. fatigues (in which the title refers to) and begins a murderous spree as a result of the graduation's continuation. The film has developed a cult following over the years.

The Prowler (1981 film)

The Prowler (released internationally as Rosemary's Killer) is a 1981 slasher horror film directed by Joseph Zito, written by Neal Barbera and Glenn Leopold, and starring Vicky Dawson, Farley Granger, Lawrence Tierney, and Christopher Goutman. Set in a small New Jersey town, the film concerns a group of college students holding a graduation spring dance, 35 years later after a double-murderer occurred once. Unbeknownst to them, they are targeted by a masked assailant donned in World War II G.I. fatigues (in which the title refers to) and begins a murderous spree as a result of the graduation's continuation. The film has developed a cult following over the years.